Friday, March 13, 2015

Moved to DFW

It has been a long time since my last update.  I had the intention to take the blog offline and I did.  But that doesn't mean that I should stop writing. There is always so much I want to say about my kids and life in general.  I stopped writing because life got a lot busier with a new job that requires some traveling, a new city, new school for kids, new hospital for Lucas, selling the old house, settling in the rental home, and getting ready to buy a new house. 

Mostly Lucas has been doing well since the last update.  He started 2 months ago taking 4.5 pills of 6MP and 4.5 pills of MTX and his ANC has been in lower 2000's.  Next Tuesday he will get an opporunity to increase the dose a little more.

We started visit to Dallas Children's in November.  November, December, January, February.  Next Tuesday will be the 5th scheduled visit.  Lucas also visited once because of pink eye, twice for additional labs, and 1 ER visit with fever but high enough ANC.

We love our new doctor! Dr. Naomi Wineck. I like her so much that if I ever have a daugher, I will name her Naomi!

5 Ways to Handle Disrespectful Behavior from Children or Teens

All children behave disrespectfully at one time or another. The way you respond to your child’s disrespect will be a factor in how often the behavior will be repeated.

Start by establishing household rules that specifically address the issue of respect. Make it clear that you expect everyone to treat each other with respectful words and behaviors. Tell kids ahead of time what the negative consequences will be for breaking the rules.

Disrespectful behavior can range from mild to severe. Mild behaviors may include things like eye rolling or saying, “Whatever Mom!” when reprimanded. More serious disrespectful behaviors include things such as calling a parent names or even physical aggression.

When disrespectful behavior isn’t addressed, it can get worse over time. If young children get away with ignoring a parent’s requests or calling people names, it’s likely to get a lot worse when they become teens.

There are several options parents have when responding to disrespectful behavior. No matter which one you choose, it’s important to remain calm and role model appropriate behavior.

1. Ignore Mild Misbehavior

Sometimes it makes sense to ignore mild misbehavior. If your child mumbles under his breath when you tell him to turn off his video game, you might choose to ignore it as long as he is compliant with shutting his game off.

Other mild misbehavior that can be ignored includes an eye roll or sighing when told to do something. Drawing attention to these minor behaviors can sometimes increase the behavior and lead to more behavior problems.

Avoid a power struggle by choosing your battles wisely. Place the emphasis on the positive behavior by pointing out respectful behavior. Praise kids for behaving respectfully by saying things like, “Thanks for getting ready for dinner with such a good attitude.”

When everyone is calm, have a conversation with your child about disrespectful behavior. For example, point out, “When I told you to clean your room today you rolled your eyes at me. That’s disrespectful behavior.” Explain to kids that there are often natural consequences for disrespectful behavior such as “Kids might not want to play with you when you behave disrespectfully.”

2. Grandma’s Rule of Discipline

Grandma’s rule can be a great way to turn around disrespectful behavior fast. Offer kids a reminder about their disrespectful behavior and make it clear they’ll gain more by behaving in a respectful manner.

Use Grandma’s rule by saying something such as, “When you lower your voice and talk calmly, I’ll answer you,” or “I’ll help you pick up the toys when you stop being bossy.” Wording your response in a positive manner can go a long way to changing disrespectful behavior fast.

3. Use An If…Then Warning

Sometimes disrespectful behavior requires a warning. Use an, “if…then,” statement to tell kids what will happen if the behavior doesn’t change.

For example, say, “If you don’t stop interrupting when I’m on the phone then you’ll need to go to your room.” Give kids an opportunity to change their behavior and if they don’t, follow through with a negative consequence.

4. Provide a Negative Consequence

Moderate or serious disrespectful behavior requires an immediate negative consequence. For example, if your teen walks out the door after you’ve told him he can’t leave, take away his privileges.

Time out can be an effective negative consequence for young children. Logical consequences can be an effective disciplinary method for both children and teens.

5. Restitution

If your child or teen behaves disrespectful manner, restitution may be necessary to discourage it from happening again. For example, if your child hits his brother, restitution can be an effective consequence. Or, if your teen breaks something out of anger, make him fix it or pay to get it fixed.

Restitution can be a great way to teach children and teens that saying, “I’m sorry,”doesn’t always fix things. Restitution helps kids take responsibility for their disrespectful behavior.

Sample List of Houshold Rules for the Entire Family

Every home should have a list of household rules that outline expectations for behavior. When kids have rules they know what behaviors are acceptable and what behaviors will result in a negative consequence. Rules also help kids feel safe and secure.

Establishing house rules for kids can also reduce power struggles. When the rules are clear, kids can’t argue, “But Mom, I didn’t know!”

What Should be Included in the Household Rules

Household rules should include the rules that everyone in the house is expected to follow, including parents. This means only including only things that you are willing to do as well. Don’t include a rule such as, “Bedtime is at 7PM,”unless you also plan to go to bed at that time.

There should be specific rules to each child that can be included on a separate list of rules. These rules might include specific bedtimes, chores, curfews and other behaviors that might only pertain to a specific person.

Everyone’s household rules should be specific to their home and their needs. While it might be important in one parent’s home to emphasize “No jumping on the furniture,” another family may want to make a rule that says, “Try at least two bites of everything on your plate.” Your household rules will depend on your family’s needs and values.

Keep your list short and simple. It will be much easier and effective to have a short list of the most important rules rather than a long list of rules. Although everyone’s household rules should be specific to their own family, here is a sample of a family’s list of household rules:

1. Treat other people and their property respectfully.

No hurting anyone’s feelings (no yelling, putdowns, or name calling).

No hurting anyone’s body (no hitting, pushing, or kicking).

Ask permission to borrow other people’s belongings.

Point out examples of respectful behavior by telling kids what respectful behavior looks like. Discuss the negative consequences of breaking this rule by enforcing an immediate consequence for any act of physical aggression.

2. Knock on closed doors before entering.

Teach kids about privacy by establishing a rule about knocking on closed doors before entering. This can be a great way for them to practice respectful behaviors.

3. Pick up after yourself.

Talk to kids about specific expectations about picking up after themselves. For example, tell them to put their dishes in the dishwasher when they’re done eating. Also, make it clear when you expect them to pick up their toys by saying something such as, “Pick up your toys before you get out any new toys.”

4. Turn off electronics after dinner.

Many families choose to establish rules about electronics. While some families may say each person can have up to two hours of electronics (video games, computer time, cell phone and TV) per day, other families may choose to set limits on what time electronics need to be turned off.

5. Apologize if you’ve hurt someone’s feelings.

Teach kids to take responsibility for their behavior by creating a rule about how to respond if they’ve hurt someone. Sometimes an apology may be enough and at other times, you may need to institute restitution as a consequence.

6. Tell the truth.

Stressing the importance of honesty will only be effective if you role model the behavior you want to see from your kids. If you tell your kids to always tell the truth, but try to claim your 13-year-old is only 12 so you can get a lower-priced movie ticket, your words won’t be effective. Kids can’t tell the difference between“white lies” and other lies so if you’re going to stress the importance of honesty, you’ll need to show them that you’re honest.

7. Attend family meetings once a week.

Holding regularly scheduled family meetings can help you review the rules and make any changes as necessary. While some families may want to schedule a meeting once a week, other families may find that meeting once a month is plenty.

Allow your kids offer input into what they think should be included on the list of rules. When kids have some input, it can get them more invested in following the rules.

Work together as a family to problem-solve specific issues. For example, if you’re noticing that several family members aren’t picking up after themselves, talk about it and see what you can do to better enforce this rule.

Parenting advice from a Chinese mom


一直到二年级,每次家长会老师都会埋怨”Aaron cannot sit still in the class." 每次家长会回来,看到儿子都气不打一处来。儿子给我太多的烦恼,我见人就讨教:你是怎样discipline你孩子的?换句话就是"你有什么制服孩子的诀窍?"
记得那次PCE年会晚餐,坐在我旁边的是一个有跟我儿子一样大孩子的妈妈,我好奇地问:你儿子给你带来什么烦恼?看到这位妈妈在思考,我忍不住脱口而出说:诶呀,你还需要想啊,我一秒钟就可以蹦出三十个儿子给我带来的烦恼。我当时用的是传统的教育子女的方式-- 儿子不听话,我就打儿子,还罚坐timeout(使劲按着坐在凳子上想挣扎的一面哭泣的儿子)以示我的权威,心想:你才4 岁,如果我就搞不定你,那长大了,可不就无法无天了吗。I am going to show you who is the boss."
我问儿子:你为什么不用语言,而用拳头呢?" 话音未落,我突然意识到:我不就是用拳头而没用语言吗?儿子原来在模仿我啊, 太可怕了!马上要改变的不是儿子,应该是我啊。开始反思:"There must be a better way." 开始走上了阅读大量子女教育书的旅途。

PCE 情缘:偶然中的必然
一个偶然的机会我知道了PCE(Parents And Children Education Club, 中文父母子女教育俱乐部一个在新泽西由家长自愿者组织的非营利性教育组织)。很清楚地记得我在儿子4岁时参加了PCE举办的"培养高情商的孩子"的年会,那是我第一次参加PCE活动,也是第一次接触到EQ Parenting的理念。
之后又参加了廖冰(俱乐部总顾问)的EQ Parenting 的专题讲座,开始尝试着这个全新的教育理念。多年的不断学习,实践,摸索,反思,并结合自己和儿子的特点,形成一个属于自己的教育风格(这就是廖冰经常说的要自己做功课,不要抄作业的意思),也亲身尝到这个全新教育理念带给我在孩子教育上的甜头,真真切切地感受到与儿子一起成长的快乐。
为什么EQ Parenting works? 这是因为EQ Parenting 是建立在懂人的科学基础上,即对他人包括对孩子独立人格的尊重。这与我们传统的子女教育观念很不同-- ”我是父母,我是为你好,不管你喜不喜欢,只要按着我说的去做就好了

何谓 EQ Parenting
EQ Parenting 的最基本的原则是empathyEmpathy is the capacity to put yourself inside the shoes of another person and see the world through that person's eyes. In the parent-child relationship, empathy implies that when parents interact with their children, we try to see the world through their eyes and try to understand their perspective. 那就是试图通过他们(孩子们)的眼睛看世界,去理解他们的观点。有了这个观念,才谈到沟通的技巧。
1. 换位思维,接受和理解孩子的情感包括负面情绪
EQ Parenting 的回答是:哦,老师批评你了,我要是你,也一定会很生气的。你能告诉我发生了什么事吗?
如果需要帮助,我们可以与孩子共同寻找解决问题的方法。就像总结里说的:作为父母,我们必要先在孩子的emotional bank account里有足够的deposit,才可能让孩子有可能愿意聆听我们的教诲和分享。
2. 了解孩子身心发展的自然规律和个性
做到empathy 除了理解孩子的情感,还应该了解孩子身心发展的自然规律及自己孩子的特性,这样就可以相应调整我们对孩子的要求,减少不必要的纠纷和烦恼,孩子与我们的关系也会因此而受益。比如儿子在上幼儿园时,光早餐就需要半个小时,我和老公那个急啊,不断地催促:快点!快点!看到儿子还是那么不紧不慢的,我感到一把无名火直冲脑门。
12 岁的儿子,从起床到吃完早餐,15分钟搞定。回想来看这类的事太多了,很多烦恼和发火都是因为我不了解孩子身心成长的自然规律,而自找的。儿子的小学校长说过这样一句话(以孩子的口气对家长说的):”Ask me to do what I can do, but don't ask me to do what I cannot do." 作为父母,我们知道什么是孩子现阶段cannot do 的事吗?这就需要家长多做功课,提高自己的情商了,而不是一味埋怨为什么孩子cannot do it.
3. 以身作则

我曾经歇斯底里的对儿子大吼大叫过,经过这么多年的EQ Parenting 实施和历练,我先生和儿子都说,他们已记不清我上次发火大吼是什么时候了。但只有我自己知道这一路的不容易。
我知道她老公与孩子有很多的交流,也有很多互动的活动,比如一齐打羽毛球,游泳,打高尔夫,玩frisbee等。与他们家一起旅游,晚上经常看爸爸与儿子一起玩board game 或扑克牌。就是这些生活的点点滴滴的互动和交流,拉近了父子之间的关系,所以儿子尊重父亲的意见也就不奇怪了。

廖冰经常给PCE 的家长们说”Pick your battle, in the end, it is the relationship betweenyou and your child that matters the most.”这也是我在实践EQ Parenting 时时提醒自己的一句话。有时气头上,快眉毛胡子一把抓的时候,用这句话提醒自己,非常受用哦。
女儿与妈妈几乎没有了沟通,这让她万分苦恼和后悔,讲到这时,她泪流满面地说"女儿小的时候,要跟我一齐玩,要我听她讲话,我都因为忙而没满足女儿的需求,但在学习上我逼她nagging 她。现在回想起来,其它东西都不重要,最重要的还与孩子的关系。
另一个家长也分享了她与青春期女儿那段互相"斗争的痛苦经历,有次几乎快到了要请警察的地歩。但幸运的是她及时选择了EQ Parenting 的路,母女关系大有改善,女儿也懂事多了,自己也知道要努力了。

我有幸在儿子仅4岁的时候就接触了EQ Parenting, 让我不仅少走了很多弯路,更让我收获得是份与儿子共同成长的快乐。
我个人亲子教育的体会是:与孩子关系越好,你更有discipline孩子的勇气及坚定性,因为你对孩子的emotional bank 有很多的deposit, 孩子更能理解你的discipline 是为了他好,很多情况下孩子越愿意与我们合作。
我曾在PCE 分享过一段:我每次让儿子下网,他都能在较短的时间内下网。分享之后,收到几个电邮问:我与儿子经常为下网争吵,你是怎么做的,让儿子能轻松下网。关于怎样对待孩子玩电游的具体方法,那得是另篇分享了。但主要的还是因为与儿子良好的关系帮了大忙。我觉得我比较能读懂儿子,在该推的时候推该退的时候能退的平衡点掌握得较好。所以一般我认为比较重要的事,我基本上有百分之九十五的把握能说服及鼓励儿子去尝试。这,就是EQ Parenting 的神奇!

带你走进 EQ Parenting
EQ Patenting 的操作层面是怎样与人相处,所学的理论及交流技巧可以推广到任何与人相处的关系中。
1 . 有助于改善夫妻关系
EQ Parenting 不仅让我与儿子的关系受益,对夫妻关系也有很大的帮助。我与先生也有过一段沟通不好的阶段,那时我老认为:我已为这个家做了这么多,不仅没有得到应有的appreciation还给我脸色看。
这种为什么?为什么?的思维把自己逼到了受害者的地位,都是对方的不对。很多家庭的婚姻或与我们父母的关系都是因为这种思维而走向恶性循环的。当我运用EQ Parenting 时,我开始想怎样把empathy 换位思维运用于夫妻关系。
我逐渐悟到每个人为人处事的态度和方法都来源于他的生长环境,每个人都有缺点和优点,我的目光应看到对方的长处,包容对方的缺点,通过自己的改变去影响对方。因为我坚信: 真诚的爱一定会融化冰冷的心。只要自己做到了,对方一定也会做相应的改变。
2. 有助于改善与同事的关系
几年前一个刚接触EQParenting的朋友告诉我一件事:一天我这位朋友因工作上几个部门扯皮的事很恼火,一个跟这件事有直接关系的同事走到他的座位,他看到这位同事,正想发通脾气,话还没出口,这个同事说:” I know how frustrated you are."我这位朋友后来告诉我:好神奇啊!我当时就象一个绷紧马上要发起进攻的弹弓,听了那句话,马上松了下来。
这就是用了EQ Parenting 中最基本的技巧 -- 先接受对方的感情,然后倾听,只有等到对方打开那道防御的墙时,你才有可能与对方进行有效的沟通,共同找出解决问题的方法。曾读过一本关于有效沟通的书,作者谈到他在CIA时,他们的训练之一是怎样与人质劫持犯交流以最大的努力避免悲剧的发生。技巧之一就是先接受人质劫持犯的情绪,然后听劫持犯倒苦水,让他情绪变得尽量平静些,以便尽量减少劫持犯做出非理性行为的可能性。
留美学子非常幸运能跟作者交流, 尽管黄女士育儿已经初见成效,但是,她还在继续学习,更加难能可贵的是,把自己的经验为大家分享。 她说:最近又参加了几个家庭聚会,听到家长们的谈话,感慨良多。EQ Parenting 太值得推广了,它可以让更多的家长和孩子从以爬藤为单一目的焦虑中解放出来,关心孩子的内心精神世界,坚信孩子一定会收获一份属于他们的充实人生。