Sunday, January 27, 2013

A few cute moments

(1) Our out-patient nurse practitioner, who we see more often than our doctor, is an attractive young lady.  When she tries to examine Lucas, Lucas is quiet and cooperative for the most time.  But Lucas always dislike his ears being poked at.  This young lady had her way of doing things.  She observed that Lucas was wearing a thermal with Cars characters.  And when she looked into Lucas's one ear, she would say:"Is Lightening McQueen in there?  Oh, I hear Zoom Zoom Zoom."  And to the other ear, "I think Mater is in this one."  Lucas would then let her do her thing.  Later that day, Lucas asked me if the "boot" lady would come again.  I didn't know what he was talking about.  Then he started saying Lightening and Mater in his ears.  He told me it was the "boot" lady instead of the "shoe" lady.  Then I remembered that that nurse practitioner almost always wears boots.  So ladies, watch out!  You are either in the exiting "boot" camp, or you are in the boring "shoe" camp.  :)  I learned quickly and started using Cars/Thomas conversation when I try to brush his teeth!  :)

(2) Lucas found his favorite toy from the in-patient kids playroom today.  It's a infant/toddler toy with an old fashioned play phone.  I caught him making phone calls.  "Hello? Grandma?  I'm at the hospital. Something wrong with my tummy (he kept thinking the installed port in his chest is what makes him sick).  I'm feeling better now and I will come home soon.  Please cook stir-fried rice for me!"  He would repeat this phone call many times.  I pretend not to pay attention as he would stop shyly if he noticed that I was looking at him.

(3) Our Monday visit started with outpatient chemo clinic.  At first there was more patients than the number of TVs and we didn't get a spot with TV.  The glare from iPad was so disturbing, and Lucas was just hooked on IV fluids, waiting for his urine to clear.  We felt the toys in that play area is not cleaned as diligently as the inpatient place so we didn't let Lucas to play with the toys there.  Instead, we were taking stroller rides around the area.  And we were talking about how many kids there are and all TVs were occupied.  We finally got a TV spot at around 1pm.  And Lucas fell into sleep in the couch at about 3pm.  After a cat nap, he woke up, looked around, and asked me:"where did all the other kids go?"  I told them they have all left and the sooner he could pee the sooner we can go home too.  He sadly said:"I don't want other kids go home.  I want them to be here with me."  Even though on the surface Lucas didn't care about other kids and always looked away when we talk to other parents and kids, he still needed the company.

(4) The editing of this post lasted for almost whole week!  So I got the last one for you from Alex.  Alex and Dad were cuddling Sunday morning.  Alex suddenly told Dad:"I like the wife you married."  Dad was taken by surprise:"Who are you talking about?"  Alex replied:"Crystal of course!"

OK. Back to story reading!


  1. Both boys are cute and the last one made me laughing out loud in the office;)

  2. Was wondering how has it been with Lucus over the last week. Looks like he is doing great! Hope I'm in the "boot" camp, hehe.

  3. Alex and Lucas are so cute! Like the last one the best. :)

  4. You sure have lovely kids!!! Esp the little guy looks so focused reading books .. It's amazing how he can sit there so quiet reading..

  5. haha your boys are Too cute. i dont doubt in a split second that there is a happy ending for you all... hillary

  6. They're soooo sweet and cute. My phone always has problem for leaving comments.
