Monday, July 29, 2013

Monday counts

The attending doctor let us go home on Friday with the understanding that we are usually very vigilant and proactive and would bring Lucas back to ER if anything goes wrong. After all, his counts was stagnant at 14 when we were released.

We had a busy weekend. I gave haircuts to Alex, grandma and grandpa on Saturday. Alex's finger nails and toe nails were both overgrown after two weeks of neglect. And I took Alex to two birthday parties on Saturday. It was so refreshing to see him playing with his old buddies as well as making new friends. I asked him what he wanted to write on the birthday cards and he told me he wanted to write "I love you". I thought about it and let him do it. He is such an affectionate and expressively little guy and I should not try to discourage it. Sunday morning Alex and I went to church, then playground with our church buddies. So Alex got to play with three sets of his friends during the weekend. Hopefully that would make up some of the fun he has missed while we stayed in the hospital for the past two weeks.

The few days after long hospital stays are always busy. Lots of laundary and cleaning and organizing. Forms for the schools are due soon. I did finish shopping for school supplies and uniforms for Alex the weekend before. Lucas got better each day since we went home. The laxatives finally got out of his systems and he is going as before, for the most part. Potty-training needs to be refreshed for sure. He felt warm once Friday night and measured 99.8. By Sunday he was eating and drinking the same amount as he used to.

We went in for finger-prick this morning and waited in the clinic for results -- since he might need tranfusion or if his ANC dropped to 0 again, they would admit us again. Luckily his hgb was 9.5 and platelets 161. His WBC 1.6 with ANC 176. So we went home and no chemo until ANC recovers to 750 -- then we will start long term maintenance (LTM)!


  1. I can feel the happniess through the words. Alex is going to attending K this fall? Kids grow so fast.

  2. Happy to hear things are going well! Congratulations to the stage of LTM!
