Sunday, December 16, 2012

Day 2


  1. Lucas看起来精神还不错,我们看了录像后,揪心比以前少点点了。如果能用有机的肉类炖一些可口的汤,也许对他康复有帮助。祝小宝快快好起来!

    1. Lucas was never a whiny kid. I'm worried that he is too tough so he still looks okay even when lab work would show that his numbers are not good. So we need to be vigilant for any sign of illness from now on.

      We will surely try to go all organic from now on. Thanks!

  2. Lucas爱喝鸡汤吗,我可以炖点鸡汤带到医院来。或者鸡汤混在米饭里喂给宝宝喝。还有什么需要的,比方喜欢什么水果,告诉我,一并带来。

    1. Thanks for offering but no need indeed, Kelly! I will have other friends to help with such things. If you could look over the drug list and let me know if Qiqi was on same drugs before and what kind of side effects Qiqi experienced, that would be helpful.

  3. 坚强的Lucas,坚强的爸爸妈妈,加油!

  4. I did look at the drug list you provided ealier. Most of them are exactlly the same that Qiqi had taken. Let me compare the list in detail tonight after work. Qiqi had very bad diarrhea during the first several days of chemo. She was very weak and had very low appetite. I remember she liked rice blended with soup. Do you need any pedisure? If yes, I will send some over.

  5. I want to send an email to CCCN about Lucas's news and ask people to come to your blog, supporting you also knowing what kind of help we can offer. Is it Okay? I don't have access to your recent CCCN list, but an old list back in June. Might miss many new hires. Let me know what I should do. -- Kelly

  6. I watched this vedio together with Lanlan and Leilei. Lucas is so sweet and cute. I could have thought that everything is fine if there is no tube. LanLan said that Lucas will be fine. A remote hug to you and Jianwei, and of course Lucas!

  7. Lucas is such sweet boy. Big bless to him. I believe he will get better and strong in your thoughtful care.

  8. It is kind of relief to see Lucas in this video - he looks good and as cute as always. Lucas is such a strong boy, I hope everything will be as smooth as possible for him. Please take care of yourselves too.

    - Shu

  9. 小宝好可爱啊!坚强的宝宝。熬过这段时间就好了。一切都会好起来的!
